Lessons I Learned as an Entrepreneur
Hi friend,
When I sat down to reflect on my experience as an entrepreneur, specifically the lessons that I’d learned as the human behind the business, I was struck by my new-found empathy for business leaders, dare I even say, new-found empathy for “The Man.”
What I’ve learned is that this proverbial “Man” is really just looking to get shit done. To build and scale a business and to hire people that will help them get where they want to go.
I realized that I’d been experiencing this myself. Planning and growing my businesses, hiring and managing people to help me do so, and working to achieve the goals I’d set for myself.
During this reflection, I came up with 6 lessons that I learned working for myself. Lessons that are helping frame how I show up in my new corporate role, and helping shape my professional journey from here on out.
These lessons have helped me get clear on what it takes to cut through the static and do my job efficiently. They’ll guide my decisions and serve as light posts and reminders along the way, and maybe they can help you too.
Give this episode a listen and let me know what resonates and if there's anything you would add!
Ep 64. From Entrepreneurship to Corporate Career:
6 Lessons to Shape Your Perspective at Work or in Business
mg <3