About The Corporate Psychic 🔮
our story
offerings & services
When you allow yourself to stand in your highest level of integrity, everything that you desire — not only do you get it, but it comes to you.
Marie in her home in July of 2022. Photo captured by Kevin Titus Photography.
a coach, an intuitive, a corporate success story, and a fellow human: Marie Groover is who you go to when in many ways you’ve made it, but it doesn’t feel like quite enough.
Marie’s life work is to inspire you to touch the wisdom of your soul, and through TCP she is here to help you trust yourself enough to take action on what it is that you find.
Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a corporate 9-5er, a creative, an intuitive, a business or all of these and more,
your soul work is vital for the world we live in and the people who live alongside us.
Too many souls are shriveled up in occupations and situations that are not serving them, but slowly killing them instead.
TCP’s work is to reclaim the spirit and the soul within the human.
It is to help you come into total alignment, so that
you can be & have
[insert whatever you want 🧿💰⚡️♥️]
while feeling expanded, fulfilled, inspired, ALIVE, and full of joy.
“Marie guides people to touch the wisdom of their soul. This statement could not be more true.
I didn’t realize how much I needed this work until I was welcomed into it.
I did not realize the impact these sessions would have on my life. I always knew what I was here to do, I just didn’t realize how beautiful and important it was until it was read back to me. My path ahead feels clear. I see endless possibilities. And, I have never felt so certain in my being. Marie has a way of asking questions that ever so gently guide you closer and closer to the very essence of your existence. She holds up a crystal mirror and reflects back to you all the wisdom and love that you were born to be.”
the story
“This business, dropped into my awareness in March of 2021, as I was walking off the beach after a surf.
It came to me as a phrase: a union of opposites.
a dare to integrate all parts of self, shining light on everything, shunning nothing, living in the edge of polar opposites, only to realize that nothing is truly opposing at all.”
-Marie Groover, Founder
At the time, Marie was enabling leadership at Microsoft and semi-secretly reading the akashic records & tarot on the side, for fun.
She had spent the previous 10+ years working in corporate tech, 7 of those at Microsoft, both in highly technical roles as well as management & operations.
Already mentoring and coaching individuals into their dream careers and businesses for years, Marie knew that it was time to marry the spiritual with the material — the tangible with the ethereal — and something beyond powerful was born. Enter, The Corporate Psychic.
what we do & who we serve
our work is to bring your soul work to the surface and help you take aligned action so that you realize your fullest potential and you experience your highest levels of joy, love, success and fulfillment.
if you find yourself here, we are of service.
peep our free resources, explore our corporate offerings, or reach out if you feel the call to work together directly.
“Marie is more than a coach or an intuitive reader/healer. Her work is an expansive and powerful pool of wisdom, knowledge, experience, context, openness, guidance, and beyond. Her depth is both in the spiritual realm and in the interworkings of leadership, business, operations, and scale.
She has said that running a business is a spiritual awakening and I could not agree more. I couldn’t recommend anyone more suited as an all-encompassing holistic business coach, whether you are a new entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner.
Hire her, immediately.”
our work is to bring your soul work to the surface and help you take aligned action so that you realize your highest levels of joy, success and fulfillment.
🔮 We serve an abundance of rich resources to allow you to deepen in your soul work, without investing financially. These include (and are not limited to)
The Spiritual 9-5 Podcast
Letters of Love & Encouragement to your inbox
TCP Musings (a series of articles on LinkedIn)
Program Archives (past program content & video replays)
Client Case Studies
Journal of Experience & Philosophy
Downloadable worksheets & practices
A Curated Booklist
You can find all of these (and more) in our resources section.