Our Values & Promise

🔮 We value integrity above everything.

We understand that exploring & stepping into your soul work can feel terrifying. We understand the courage, vulnerability and devotion you’ve conjured up to be present in a 1-1 session or group container.

We don’t take that lightly.

You are your greatest guide and we will never override your intuition, push you into purchasing anything, shame you, take advantage of anything you share, or intentionally mislead you in any way (including in our marketing). Any work that we do together is confidential and will not be shared without your explicit permission (not even to our partners and friends).

In the same vein, we care deeply about providing resources & services for which we are skilled and qualified to deliver. We will never offer anything for which we do not have deep and integrated experience. And, we welcome any and all questions about our work, methodology, and practices.

We do everything we can to live and embody our most integrated and aligned beliefs. We are constantly deepening our work through training, practice, and ethical delivery.

Our thirst for truth is unquenchable and we promise to always share what it is that we find, but will never force it upon you.

All of you is welcome, always.


a letter to my dream client


I always love hearing from you