The Knight of Pentacles in Tarot: Finding Steadiness and Ease in Our Work and What we Set Out to Accomplish
Sometimes when the knight of pentacles shows up, it can feel like we are waiting to be somewhere and we aren’t there yet.
It can feel like the thing that we want isn’t happening (or not happening fast enough).
The results we are seeking are maybe not manifesting or materializing right now, or better yet, yesterday 😜.
The knight of pentacles in tarot is a reminder that you are in the preparation stage. Nothing is actually on hold or on pause. It’s not that the things you seek are not coming for you. It’s not that what you want isn’t happening, or isn’t going to happen.
What is meant for you will not miss you. And this card is here to tell you that
It is coming.
It’s all happening.
The Knight of Pentacles says this:
You have a vision for your future. You are ready to implement it.
And implementation is a practice in and of itself.
You are in a moment of steadying your arrow before you release it, and not only are you steadying it, but you are holding it steady and in place until the precise right moment that it is ready to be released.
What that requires is strength of mind, patience, devotion, single-pointed focus, self-compassion, and total presence in this moment, right now.
Because it is only this present moment that will bring you to any and every future moment.
In my tarot deck (the apparition deck by Spirit Speak), there is a woman holding a bow and arrow.
The Knight of Pentacles from the Spirit Speak Apparition Deck.
Lindsay Mack once said that when you see the knight of pentacles, it’s like you are the one holding the bow and arrow. And you are aiming it, holding it steady, as long as you have to, without letting it go or shooting it off, until things are really lined up.
This metaphor really stuck with me, perhaps because the imagery in my deck shows also shows a woman holding the bow and arrow alongside some checkmarks.
To me, this represents the often underestimated power of preparation.
To pull back and hold a bow and arrow requires patience, courage, presence, deliberateness, steadiness (including steady breath), dedication, devotion, courage, resilience, and focus (and not just focus, but a single-pointed focus).
What you’re doing is preparing for the shot, preparing for the release.
What you’re doing is front-loading all of the work, so that the shot itself is easeful, smooth, deliberate and without effort.
Oftentimes, it’s the preparation — the setting ourselves up — that takes the most time and effort. It’s the boring part. It’s the non-sexy bit. It’s what we tend to overlook or undervalue.
But, it’s also this part (preparation) that allows for
& liberation
in the doing of the sexy parts (AKA, in the execution itself).
It’s one thing to land a job as a CEO. It’s another to be able to execute on it flawlessly.
It’s one thing to fall in love. It’s another to be a good life partner.
A lot of times we avoid doing the “boring” stuff because we want to be in the sexy, sparkly stuff. We want to be seen in the fame part of the work (the part of the work that the work is known for).
We want to be the CEO. We want to be in love. We want to be respected. We want to be loved.
But in order to get there, we have to actually do the work!
We have to tend to the fires.
We have to prepare.
This tarot card is about the sacred devotion required in our preparation, in the holding of the bow and arrow.
The knight of pentacles reminds us to be in the work, so that we can reach our goals.
The knight of pentacles, is therefore, about setting a steady foundation.
The knight of pentacles is a slow-moving energy, and a steady energy.
It is a fully present, mindful energy that is building forward momentum and progress.
Arguably, it’s building the groundwork that will allow us (or our work) to take off when the time is right.
This is work that must not be skipped (and actually can’t be skipped).
So how do you come back to this moment, to this present, to the present in a way that allows you to be with your future state or vision?
How do you come back to this moment in a way that allows you to make progress toward your future state or vision?
What is the single, next right step to get you to where you want to go?
How can you release the shininess, the fantasy, the trap of ruminating on, living in the ideal of the future, and instead just do the next right step — and not just do the next right step, but live in it.
You live in the next right step, so that that step (that present) seamlessly guides you into the next and the next and the next.
Remember: you are building a foundation of work to reach your goals.
And where you are going will come to be directly in front of you. And at precisely the right time, in precisely the right moment, you will be ready.
So how can you do the work now, so that when the time comes you can release?
If this post resonates and you’d like to work together, reach out.
If you’d like to bring tarot or some other intuitive magic to your workplace, reach here.