This episode covers it all 👀
Dear friend,
So what happens when one day you have a job – you’re doing (and maybe even enjoying) your work and engaging with your colleagues – then all of a sudden you’re being laid off…
What do you do?
How do you reframe having been a part of something, contributing some of your best work and a lot of your time and energy to this company, but being dubbed not necessary anymore and being shown the door?
In this episode, I talk to career and leadership coach, Joel Hoekstra, who has experienced layoffs not once but twice with two of the biggest companies in tech. We talk about what he learned from the first experience (which somewhat better prepared him for the second), and the number of ways to take care of yourself if you’re navigating layoffs yourself.
Joel shares some significant insights from both the perspective of a member of the team and also as a people manager. And while layoffs look different from situation to situation, we get to the human-centric core of the issue and delve into why it really hurts so bad.
This conversation is full of gems and is sure to meet you wherever you happen to be on your career journey. Post-layoffs or otherwise.
Give this episode “How to Do Layoffs with Joel Hoekstra” a listen and join us on LinkedIn for further conversation!
mg <3