πŸ• Don’t Get Caught up in the MLM-i-fication of Spirituality β€” Go Where Your Work Matters (Because Your Work Matters)

We have become so obsessed with the hero(ine)'s journey – with the story of individuation, with finding ourselves, with being ourselves, with liberation, that we have gotten a bit lost in it.

We are missing a very key portion of the story – the return. The homecoming. The part where the main character comes back, is recognized, re-integrates with their community & shares the knowledge, experience & wisdom gained.

So many of us become so very (and understandably) repulsed by society, culture, corporate, family trauma, etc. that we set out to never come back.

My spiritual friends and even my coaches keep referring to my new business (Essential Teams) as a trojan horse for the corporate world.

But, what if it isn't?
(it isn't).

What if it's not pretending to be something it isn't, in order to attract the clients that it seeks?

What if there is actual appetite in the corporate world for a holistic approach to wellbeing, deepened connection, and people nourishment? 
(there is).

What if it doesn't have to masquerade itself, but instead can be what it is in plain sight and people will pay for the services offered?

What if we don't have to sell what people want & then give them what they need?

(spoiler alert: the work doesn't have to masquerade itself & people do want to purchase its services & we can trust people to know what they need).

I was on a call with a prospective client the other day. She is a co-founder of a start-up turned corporation that has been in business for 10+ years now. Their team has gone from 3 to ~90+ people. And on this call, she said to me:

β€œWe have the business structures and processes in place. But what we are missing and what we are looking for is the soul-work.”

She was speaking my exact language. I told her my personal story and about the work of Essential Teams. I told her about The Corporate Psychic & the entire journey that I've taken to arrive at this very place.

She asked me for my most customized offer & if I would be willing to pitch it to her senior leadership team.

You see, there is appetite (hunger & starvation actually) for the exact work that you dream of bringing to the world.

If it doesn't exist yet, perhaps it's your responsibility to create it.

Perhaps if you create it, people will get it. Because they need it too.

When you set out on your hero(ine)'s journey – don't let yourself get lost forever. Don't fool yourself into believing that only the people of the metaphorical woods will understand you & value what you have to offer.

Don't get caught in the MLM-ification of coaching or spirituality. You have so much more to give.

🌲 🌲 🌲

The ones who will value you the most are the ones who crave what it is that you have experienced.

Maybe that community for you is corporate, maybe it's your Christian Mom's Group, or your medical community, or your construction management company, or your fellow mountain biking enthusiasts.


The space where you feel the most unique & alone, where you've hidden parts of yourself, where maybe you even set out to leave behind.. that is the space where you have the most to give.

That is the space that is worth going back to – and potentially is the point in you setting off on your own in the first place.

But going back there, that requires you to be seen in your truth, in your work, in your wisdom, in your journey. That requires you to step into a whole new form of leadership, compassion, grace, and guidance.

Going back is something that not everyone has the courage or the resiliency to master. Yet it is necessary to get the job done. It is the final (and arguably the most important) phase in the hero(ine)'s journey.

If you are here to spread light or consciousness on the planet, but you are only spreading light in places where it's already lit the f*ck up:

with all of you
with all that you've learned
& all that you are, return

because wherever you are in your hero(ine)'s journey – you are just getting started.

And your work matters.

Join the waitlist for visibility. Or, if you already know that you want to take your healing, intuitive, coaching and/or unconventional gifts back to corporate space specifically, reach out. I currently have one spot open for 1-1 coaching and I would love to help.


you are already a magnet to everything you seek


It’s not your job that’s making you feel vaguely dissatisfied with your life. It’s you.