Are you paying attention?
Hey friend,
Do you ever find yourself questioning if you’re in the right place? If you’re happy in your job or wishing you could try something different? Do you struggle trying to decide what your purpose is? Do you straddle the line of corporate and entrepreneurship with one foot in the 9-5 world and one foot out?
Well what if the universe was trying to communicate to you; to show you what’s possible…would you be aware of the message or would you miss it?
In this week’s The Spiritual 9-5 episode, Marie talks about her own career path and finding answers to these exact questions. She shares revelations about how not needing to be in one box (corporate or entrepreneurship) or the other is perfectly acceptable, and that being open to receive the call of the universe could very well direct you and provide guidance when you least expect it.
Are you paying attention to what’s possible around you? Or are you just going through the motions?
Give the episode a listen here and let us know what’s calling you:
The TCP Team <3